1917 is a WWI movie that unfolds in real time. Since it’s directed to make you feel like you’re at the battle, we thought why not connect viewers to people who actually were there?
We invite viewers to pre-order tickets to connect with a real soldier who fought in WWI during 1917.
Digital ticket mimics a draft card.
Add the ticket to your Apple Wallet to receive your soldier’s name.
Each day you’ll get a new notification pulled from the soldier’s correspondences informing you of their duty and movements leading up to the start of the movie
Swipe on the push notification to go to the full diary entry or letter for that day.
We’ll stage WWI dog fights.
The planes will “air drop” leaflets encouraging people to enlist.
On the day of the Movie’s release,
we’ll switch out all the newspaper vendors in the NYC subway with editions from the day America joined the war in 1917.
AD: Matt Fenster